Robot Ricochet is out!


So, this project has been in the works for a while on my Sunday livestreams and it's finally in a state where I would consider it complete. It's not a very long game or a particularly big technical accomplishment, but I'm still glad that I managed to get this thing out the door. It took a while since I mainly put only about 2 hours of work into it per week.

Technically speaking this makes this my first game that I've built on my own and released. I have built some games in the past but I generally hid them away from sight and didn't make too much noise about them, and the few games I've published on Itch so far have been game jam titles. So, even if this game is basically just yet another FOSS game available for the price of free, it's still some kind of an accomplishment for me.

Now, onto the game itself. Like I said, the game is largely complete and I'm happy with it in the state that it is in right now. It's a relatively short game and definitely rough around the edges, so depending on my schedules and willingness I might do some kind of a content update down the line. Getting more levels in there might be a fun idea and I have also been wondering about a Windows version, but that's pretty far back on the priorities since I don't use Windows myself and I would need to create the build environment from scratch. Probably the most important thing would be to make the level editor more accessible to players. It is included in the source code repository (patches welcome!) but it is poorly documented and needs to be called through a special script, not to mention be built from source. Getting that into an easily accessible build with as little sorcery as possible would make it possible for people to share levels among each other.

For now I'm looking forward to my next projects. I have a couple of other game dev ideas I want to play around with and hopefully at least some of that might make it to Itch. I hope you enjoy this little game that I've made and maybe you'll try some of my future games as well.

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